Diagnostics and pharma

Diagnostics and pharma


Correct diagnosis and timely detection are significant aspects of disease management. We provide easy access to pharmacy and diagnostic services and helps in both preventive and curative care at the comfort of the home.

Benefits of pharmacy and diagnostic services:
  • Samples collected at Home
  • Reports sent through email
  • Time saving
  • Doctors review reports and give guidance in the care needed
  • Tie up with certified labs and pharmacy outlets.

How it is done:

Sample collection is done in-house and processing is done in the partnered diagnostic centres. Client can call the toll free number to schedule a home visit. Service can be availed on all days and the turn -around time for reports is quick and reports are accurate.

Invasive diagnostic testing include all laboratory investigations and non-invasive diagnostic testing includes ECG, x-ray, ECHO, USG, Doppler.

Once the tests are done, our doctor reviews every report in detail and suggest further action plan which may involve a combination of medicine prescriptions, dietary advice and recommended exercise routine.

Pharmacy support includes delivery of medicines and pharmacy supplies from our partnered pharmacy outlets. Pharmacy supplies include incontinent supplies, ostomy supplies, wound care supplies, walkers, wheel chairs, hospital beds and diabetic supplies.

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