

Our Health Care lays significant emphasis on providing the right training to achieve the highest level of clinical and service standards. Every staff member, be it nurses, physiotherapists, medical officers or patient care executives, undergo rigorous training programs to ensure they are equipped to provide appropriate care to the patient. We utilize a combination of the principles of clinical collaboration, decentralisation and participatory training modules to improve the safety and quality of patient care in a home setting.

Our staff are trained by qualified experts, educators and senior clinicians who have a wealth of experience in training aspiring individuals for nursing and allied health care careers. Our in-house training is focused on the following core concepts.

  • Patient-centric care
  • Attaining bench quality
  • Interpersonal skills and team approach
  • Service excellence
  • Monitoring nursing sensitive components of Health care delivery in a Home Health Care setting

Components of Staff Training and Evaluation

Clinical Protocols & Standard Operating Procedures: Clinical aspects include both on the job and off the job training of over 70 standard operating clinical protocols, quality improvement measures, infection control practices like hand hygiene, linen management and many more.

Soft Skill Training: Non clinical aspects emphasise more on soft skill training. This covers key requirements such as personal grooming, communication, interpersonal skills as well as home care adaptation, ability to understand the home culture of each family and adapting to beliefs and values of each individual client.

The constructive training is derived from various sources in the organisation like Standard operating protocols, policies, expert advices, technical understanding and so on. Patient & family education forms an integral part of intensive training.

Training on Standards of Care and Codes of Practice: Being reliable and dependable is one of the Codes of Practice. The Codes ensure that the staff honour the work commitments and arrangements and explain to service users and caregivers when it is not possible to do so. There is remarkable reinforcement training on Do’s and Don’ts for the nurses. This is to enhance the professional conduct which in turn would earn respect for all health care professionals, especially nurses, who are the heart of health care.

Tracking and Evaluation

Staff assessments are done on multiple parameters. Various methods such as poster presentation, role play, written exams, viva and professional games are part of the overall assessment of each staff member. In addition to planned and structured evaluation, clinical spot checks form a major tool to identify and analyse the strengths and weaknesses, while performing on the job.

Simulation and Training Center

Our staff are trained using a mix of classroom based teaching, simulation based techniques and patient observation. Our simulation lab provides the right environment to practice and demonstrate nursing skills. Our staff practice psycho-motor, physical assessment and critical thinking skills that are necessary for clinical performance. The main goal of the simulation centre is to teach the right practice of care in a controlled environment that is as close to real conditions as possible. The One Life Simulation lab is equipped with mannequins from Laerdal, one of the leading global manufacturers of simulation equipment.

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